New York Fashion Week is this strange phenomenon of sub-zero temperatures but mostly zero coats.* While being late to everything comes quite naturally to me (holla @ my Persian roots), for some reason it seems so much more stressful when you're in NYC--especially when you're trying to make it on time to cover a show with friends who are more foreign to the concept of tardiness. "Fashionably" late seems apparently no longer in style.
It's okay, I was never for keeping up with trends, anyway.
Brutal winds and physical health aside (I may or may not have developed a cough that has followed me back to Chicago), thank you to everyone (esp. Yuna Yang, Aveda, Leanne Marshal, and the lyft drivers that put up with my questions about all of the buildings we were passing) who made this trip wonderful. I had the chance to meet so many beautiful and talented people, gave an impromptu book talk at Cafe Naderi, broke in new heels and consequently broke my feet, enjoyed quality time in the Persian rug wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and set a few records for myself (I paid over $50 for a lyft ride only to be so late the event was over...#justhodathings).
I also apologize for disappearing from JooJoo Azad for almost a month. That is also a new record for me! All of your emails, messages, and snaps asking about my absence was very heartwarming! So sorry to have gone without explanation. Life has been moving a little too fast and I was just having a bit of trouble keeping up (especially in the new heels I just broke in). I have been updating Instagram often enough and Snapchat (@hodakay) by the minute so be sure to follow along there if you for some reason feel like you need Hoda's sarcastic commentary narrating her life (The answer is yes, yes you do). But of course, we're going to get back into our weekly posting schedule with a whole new face come Iranian New Years (the first day of spring)! We (the blog & I) have *so* many exciting things to share with you all in the upcoming days and weeks so you should stick around!
For those of you who have purchased my book, Tehran Streetstyle, thank you so incredibly much! You don't know how honored I feel to have you as readers and friends. I will be shipping those out ASAP! (I received more orders than I expected and was totally not prepared to write so many thank-you notes).
Next up in the post queue is a conversation about Cultural Appropriation vs. Appreciation in the fashion industry--a post that you've been requesting for quite some time, so be sure to stick around to take a peek at that!
Related to this post + recommended to read next: Tehran Streetstyle: A Project of Identity and Personal Narrative
*while coats were scarce, as people were trying to be "fashion," a concept that I personally do not place over the concept of warmth, I tried to mostly photograph those who were, in fact, wearing some sort of protection from the cold.
~Share this post if you also wear coats in sub-zero temperatures~
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