Thank you @nlotayef for the hella cute portrait! Totally framing this when I return to my apartment in Chicago! I love it! 

ALSO // please excuse the recent radio silence! The weekdays have been filled with classes and work and the weekends with travel and, er, interesting (to be kind to myself) decision-making skills on my part. Starting the new month fresh with backlogged posts: travel posts, outfit shoots, posts in the blogging tips and minimal wardrobe series, & social action posts. And also! I finally found a camera battery and therefore put together a little travel video from my most recent travels to Chefchaouen (easily one of the most beautiful cities in all of Morocco!) due to your steady requests to make videos! I will also start working on the Islam Q&A that was promised forever ago, this week! Sorry again for all of the video-related delays!
I've been posting sneak peeks of everything on my Instagram (@hodakatebi), if you'd like to take a look!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to sharing everything with you!~ 
Happy March! 
