A moment of silence honoring the victims of institutionalized racism, domestic terrorism, and white male supremacy.

Rev. Clementa Pickney, 41, pastor & father of two

Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45, track coach & mother of three

Cynthia Hurd, 54, public librarian

Tywanza Sanders, 26, recent university graduate & barber

Ethel Lance, 70, grandmother & "heart of the family"

Susie Jackson, 87, grandmother

Rev. Daniel Simmons, 74, retired pastor

Myra Thompson, 59, mother

Rev. Depayne Middleton, 49, doctor & mother of four

The pain of losing such cherished community and family members is unfathomable, and the victims and their families will remain in my thoughts and prayers this Ramadan.

Photos via Aljazeera

 I'm not so eloquent in times of distress, but my friend wrote a really well-written article that I encourage you to read: "Charleston is Proof that America is Only Digging Itself Deeper into a Hole it Refuses to Escape" as well as the Stories of the Nine Senselessly Killed in Charleston

And to my black friends and readers living in the USA, please take care and be safe. 
Especially from white supremacy. And the police.

In solidarity, 
